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Hi everyone! 

Just a short update. I will do a patch to add extra lines of dialogues to the island. After receiving some feedback I felt that this was necessary. To have a bit more going on in between events. 

But I've also decided to add a little extra to the island ending which will be voted favorite (poll ends tomorrow). Don't expect too much just a little extension to what's already there.

The patch should come out in the next few days.

0.5.3 Current bug fixes: 

  • Fixed the bug preventing you to distract Emily and Chloe after coming back from the island.
  • Fixed Rachel being able to catch you enter rooms during the night.
  • Fixed some typos.
  • Fixed the "Can you come tonight" dialogue with Susan. It will only be possible if you did "Sacrifice" at least once.
  • Fixed a bug on a island that make some day not count in the day counter.

Thanks for your continued support! 



Nothing happen if MC misses the session with Susan and Rachel, not even a " friendly" warning from Susan.Before the first milestone Rachel warns everyone about her meeting with Susan so no one disturbs her.After the milestone the warning disappears , is not realistic.