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Update 0.5 is now live for all patrons! 

It was a massive update this month. It felt sometimes that It'll be close, but the island storyline was a bit of an "all or nothing proposition". To have the full story on the island had to have all the planned events completed in time. 

With putting in a lot of extra work managed to complete everything in time, resulting in the biggest update since the start of the game. 

As always feedback is very much welcome.  

Changelog Post


Thanks all for your support!   




Well done ! 👍 😎


Does the old saves not work? game has an exception error when loading a saved game.


It depends how old. The game had a massive rework for 0.3 and saves prior this update won't work. The progression speed has been increased by quite a lot during the rework.


When does the island content appear? I've been playing through and am at the point where I am talking to everyone about Amy coming and I have not seen any new content to this point. Thanks!


I think you have to call your uncle from the phone in the doctor's office and then Amy arrives shortly after.


The only part of the Island content I don't really agree with is the fact that you cannot complete Rachel's path along with any other. I think you should be able to complete ONE of the girls, AND Rachel in the same playthrough. Other than that, I really enjoyed this update. Didn't mind playing 3 times, but having to do a fourth bugged me.


Yeah Amy will arrive soon, but I dont know how to get to the island