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what up all!? semester is over so that means 3 months of back in the saddle and i have been hitting it with a vengeance! the break actually did me quite a bit of good of coming back to the project with fresh eyes.

im pleased to say we only have the final ending to complete as far as inks and then whats left of the coloring. hopefully if things cruise on right, we'll see this massive puppy released over the summer! ill keep you all updated.

in the meantime, im going to start posting content as much as I can here. I will be reconfiguring how the platform is going to be run as i am in talks with patreon and some other artists on how to manage content properly; balancing whats behind the paywall and what i can post freely on DA and so forth.

anyway, big big thank you to all of you who have been sticking around even with the months of dead air and you newcomers who graciously took a peak at what i do. im hoping to drop something very huge and very insane in terms of content (this is going to get insanely lewd and violent. i cannot wait to get this out).

for now, heres a cover for a prologue featuring kady that will set the intro to lion tamer. hope you guys like it and ill look into getting it out asap!




Oh man I was just thinking about your stuff! Excited to see what you got cooking!


Welcome back, glad to hear you're rested and rejuvenated!