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I love my half-orc cleric <3

It's been forever since I drew him too, I just remembered while looking through my files and thought hey... I actually really like him. Hope you guys like him too ♥




I need to go make a new cup of tea cause I opened this and sputtered like a love struck fool.


I was just thirsting over him yesterday and now you treat me to this? You spoil me.

Redwine85 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-13 19:31:52 Yes hello Garza you have permission to destroy this roe &gt;///&gt;~❤
2020-12-28 01:01:28 Yes hello Garza you have permission to destroy this roe >///>~❤

Yes hello Garza you have permission to destroy this roe >///>~❤