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Thanks for waiting! I hope you enjoy this work. If there are grammatical or semantic mistakes in the text, then forgive me in advance

I am finally completely cured of covid19! Always take care of your health guys



Dean Koont

Glad to hear your health is better. I look forward to going through the new work.

Dean Koont

I like when the character is eager for it. We haven't seen the character Beatrice in a while or a follow-up of Katarina wanting more (but she's trying to hide her feelings for it).


this is so hot ! thanks for bringing back rimjobs


Hell yeah, finally were able to take time to read this one. She is fucking sexy.


u come to Patreon.I am studying ilets now,I hope I can realize the English in the future.Best wishes!

Ronail (edited)

Comment edits

2022-10-16 23:39:10 Hello! Did you come from FANBOX? I would really like to translate my works into Japanese, but unfortunately I can't ><
2022-07-19 17:32:54 Hello! Did you come from FANBOX? I would really like to translate my works into Japanese, but unfortunately I can't ><

Hello! Did you come from FANBOX? I would really like to translate my works into Japanese, but unfortunately I can't ><


That's not a problem.I am Chinese and I can read English more easily than Japanese.In fact ,I can translate all the words you write of the dialogue but I can't communicate fluently in English.Maybe I can improve my English next year.