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It was the hardest month in my life. I just want to say to take care and appreciate those people who sincerely loves you.    

I found a new model of Rachel with improved detail. Which version do you like best, old or new (the color of the lipstick changes)?  

The next work will be "Hooters girl- creampie day". I do not know what poses to use for variety, but if you want, you can send me an email (ronail3573@gmail.com) a picture with a pose that you want to see in the work, and maybe I will add it.  

Thank you very much for supporting me



Dean Koont

I like both models. The old and new version of Rachel but they look different to me. The old version looks like she has no/very little make, and the new version looks like she has make up, so maybe both are good for different scenes. If it is too difficult to use both, I have a preference for the old version more than the new but that is only a very small difference. Both are great. PS. I hope you're looking after your health (mental and physical). PPS. I look forward to this work having a Part 2 :-)


Thank you for your comment and support! First, I'll use the new version of Rachel and touch up her makeup so that the lipstick is less bright. And if I and others like it, I will use the new version.