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This live action adaption is way better than the cartoon. W adaption by Netflix

Swiff Motion

Commander Zhao played the blonde villain in Rush Hour 1


Reasons why the live action feels so rushed with Aang barely learning water bending, less rage from Katara, and forced team avatar is.




I don’t understand how this could be as bad as it was. I ask myself why and think of the changes they made and how they butchered character development or felt like something’s where rush. But when you go back and look avatar the series has about a 400 minute run. And while the movie was doom to fail because it had about 90 min run time, the live action has about 430 min. It might actually be just a long if not longer than the cartoon. I just don’t understand how they could drop the ball.


You are weird as fuck, no one cares or asked what you think lil bro

Tim Moore

Just cause you cant see something doesnt make it not so. Show is mid, live adaptations never hit the same.

The Gaming Morgana

"rushed" ok the actual show takes place in a years time. we get more time, and more show itself, along with extra things we never got to see in the original. its likea directors cut, extended edition

Myles Xavier

im pretty sure even tho we dont see much they still mention things theyve done we dont get to see, Like the Cave dweller episode they talked about in the background, so time is moving faster, but it makes sense he starts to learn it here if we don't get to see those parts

Sami Casingal

You can compare all you want but if you’re here to shit on the show at every moment (addressed to anyone), what are you doing with your life? Why are you still here then? Don’t you have better things to do? From some of these comments, it seems like to me yall are forcing yourself to continue watching.


😭🤣🤣 “ sokka 2.0” Evan is hilarious dawg


Yeah katara isn’t that good an actress but as a OP fan she still acts better than the guy who plays Luffy


Does jerry know that katara herself doesn't like blood bending and she literally only did it once to save aang and sokka


I think she yuhie is spanish

A. P.

Lmaooo Azula are you ok, azula are you ok? 🎶

Thomas Dehne

The actors are all 3 years younger because thats when this was filmed

Thomas Dehne

Guys the Yue looked up is from the movie not this one lol


You should have just rewatched the animated version if you wanted to see the same exact story with the exact sequence you weirdos. People so simple minded.


So you like when they change things and skip over key developments of characters. You must have really love the movie than ? Or atleast enjoy it a little ?

Pretty PINK

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