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Hello everyone. I didn't want to post this update. I prefer my Patreon to be a place of eroticism where you browse pictures and animations of attractive girls, not where you read stuff like this, but I owe you all an explanation for my absence.

I'll go straight to the point. I lost my father. My old man is gone. I won't ever see him again. That's all there's to it. For the moment I feel unstable, unable to create anything I'm happy with.

I'm sorry for falling behind on requests and commissions. I apologize to everyone who've been waiting for new content, including the new patrons. I suck.

I have a good deal of stuff to upload, including the animations I talked about last month. I'm just waiting to feel better before I continue. I don't know if that sounds reasonable, but that's sadly the reality.

I'll probably remove this post in the future, I find it out of place. People aren't here for this. This is just intended to update everyone on why I've been silent, since the days kept piling up.

I'll be back soon, in a few days hopefully. Better than before. Meanwhile, please forgive me for the absence.



Your situation is much more important, please, take your time to recover, you don't need to rush things


Take as long as you need. Losing a close relative is never something that you can get over quickly.