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Hi Everyone,

Each week, I issue a challenge. It's a friendly reminder that every song you've ever learned, every solo you've ever transcribed, every melody that's gotten stuck in your head was WRITTEN BY SOMEONE!

Some people believe that writing music is a gift or a talent - something you innately possess before you even learn an instrument. I COMPLETELY disagree. I think it's the interest, curiosity, and drive to learn that propels people toward what generally looks like "natural talent" to someone on the outside.

This belief in "natural talent" can make people feel like if they try to write music and it sounds "bad" to them, that they just don't have what it takes to write music. This couldn't be further from the truth.

Writing music is a practice. It's not "practice" but "a practice," more like a meditative lifestyle. Imagine if you quit speaking for ten years. When you finally spoke for the first time after ten years and it came out jumbled and awkward, would you conclude "I can't talk anymore" or would you conclude "woah I'm out of practice, I guess I need to practice communicating."

Writing music is the same way, it's not a ritual thing that you ignore all week and then devote ten minutes to on Wednesday nights. It's something you try in little spurts throughout the day. While you're driving in your car, try humming a melody. Try writing a little chord progression before work. Try writing a little something before bed. Try creating a little something in a music app on your phone. It's not about the result of every writing session, but about the practice and mindfulness of the process.

The Community Challenge this week is: Write something "house" inspired

Your goal is to write something vaguely inspired by "house music." What is house music? The wikipedia article says its "a music genre characterized by a repetitive four-on-the-floor beat and a typical tempo of 120 beats per minute. It was created by DJs and music producers from Chicago's underground club culture in the late 1970s, as DJs began altering disco songs to give them a more mechanical beat."

Part of what inspired me for this challenge is the thought of having students try to write a riff or chord progression to a constant foot stomp to simulate that four on the floor beat, which is a fancy way to say the kick drum just hits 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 over and over.

So thats the simplest cell-phone recording version of this challenge: try writing a riff or chord progression to your own foot tapping 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4.

If you want to get fancier with it, you could use recording software. Make a beat that starts with that constant kick on 1 2 3 4, then build snare on 2 and 4 and get fancier from there.

Post your creations to the Community Forum! Have fun! Don't aim to write a masterpiece! Just aim for fun.

This post was inspired by the fact that Taylor and I just bought our first house. We're over the moon!

Check out the Lesson Archive for more Community Challenges - you’re welcome to participate on any past Challenge at any time!

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