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Hi Everyone,

The weekly community challenge is a chance to use what you’ve been learning here on my Patreon to actually make some music. It’s also a reminder that learning music theory is useless if you don’t practice using it to make things. Think about that for a second. Learning music theory is like learning about the English language. Making music is like communicating - not just saying words, but communicating a thought or feeling to another person. It takes practice. It’s impressive to know a lot ABOUT English, but if you can’t communicate using English, do you really KNOW English? The same can be said about music theory.

Sometimes I post a challenge related to a specific technique, sometimes it’s about a music theory concept, and sometimes it’s about a general or specific emotion.

This week's Community Challenge is: Write something with a fast tempo!

As usual, there is no need to spend a ton of time on these projects. The idea is to think of the community challenge as your weekly sketchbook. If you're planning to write something that might take 5 to 10 hours, that likely means you'll NEVER participate. Think about writing a little something that takes you 5 to 10 minutes to come up with. It doesn't have to be a complete thought, it doesn't have to have a melody. It just has to be music. 

The idea is to get into the habit of writing SOMETHING without putting too much pressure on yourself. Just try to have fun with it! When you've written something you like, you're welcome to record it as simply as possible - with a cell phone for example - or with recording software using drums, bass, guitar, etc. Whatever you have time for. If you feel that you never have time for the community challenges, you're putting too much pressure on yourself to be the most amazing musician.

When you've written something you like, feel free to post it on the community forum thread for this post!

Check out the Lesson Archive for more Community Challenges - you’re welcome to participate on any past Challenge at any time!

Other helpful links:

Scott's Recommended Lesson Plan

Searchable Lesson Archive

How to Join the Community Forum

Scott's Jam Tracks

SPJ Live YouTube Channel

Scott's Main YouTube Channel


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