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Wondrous item, uncommon

When found, this small pad of paper has 2d10 sheets remaining. Each sheet has three checkboxes next to lines on which to write.

Within 1 hour of finishing a long rest, you can choose to write three different and specific objectives on a sheet, which you then tear off the pad. Roll a d6 for each objective you wrote and record the result of each one. Whenever you make an ability check to either accomplish or help accomplish an objective you wrote on that sheet, you can choose one of the d6 results to add to the total. The d6 is then lost.

An objective is magically crossed off the sheet when you complete it. If you complete all of the objectives written on the sheet within 24 hours, there is a 50 percent chance that a new sheet magically appears on the pad of paper when the last objective is crossed off. In either case, after 24 hours, the sheet loses its magic, and any remaining d6 results are lost. It also loses its magic if you tear off a second sheet from the pad.

Haggle for rope, pitons, ball bearings

Check the building for structural damage, wear, weaknesses

Break DeChaude out of prison AGAIN



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