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Potion, uncommon (3d6), rare (4d6), or very rare (5d6)

This potion is crafted using the harvested stomach and gizzard of a fallen dragon. Drinking the potion as an action allows you to use an action on your subsequent turns to spew dragon-like projectiles. These projectiles are the same as a dragonborn’s breath weapon, whose element and areas of effect are determined by the dragon it was sourced from. The effect lasts for 1 minute. Materials gathered from young dragons produce uncommon potions (dealing 3d6 damage with the breath weapon, save DC 14), whereas adult and ancient dragons produce rare (4d6, DC 16) and very rare (5d6, DC 18) results, respectively.

It takes 7 days and proficiency with alchemist’s supplies to create the potion, requiring 2 hours of work each day in order to prepare it. Failing to tend to the potion causes it to reset, requiring another 7 days to craft. When the potion resets in this way, roll a d20. On a 1, the potion spoils and is lost.

"Oof, excuse me. Something's caught in my throat."



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