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Exactly what she sounds/looks like! This is a standalone VAR that doesn't even use Female Mystique as a dependency because the different texture set is 98% of the file size anyway.

Special thanks to Shioro for contributing his expertise and converting the character!

Note that she'll look much better with CharacterSmoother/Tesselation plugins.

For the tail, you may need to open the CUA Control plugin and click "Create Controllers" for it to work properly; the node control/position should be retained unless you have an old version of the plugin. In the plugin's UI, Bone 2 should be the attachment point set in the plugin's drop-down; if it isn't, you might have to reload the plugin, create controllers, and re-pose the tail.

Any issues, please let us know!

Download here: https://mega.nz/folder/RdNmmb4Q#_phhhV11AxfzWWwEZZGWpA



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