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I'm starting to feel funny, I think there's something in the water! 

Here's a WIP of my current (as yet unnamed) project with the fanciest lighting I know how to do! I had meant to make her for Elf Month (March), but I got waylaid by werewolves and then was away from my PC for a week... so I hope you aren't all burnt out on elf girls already! 

Her skin is only partially done: I'm also going to try to do a "tree form" (bark skin) texture set. It's a concept I've been wanting to do for YEARS, and I think it's feasible for me now! 

Okay, maybe not quite THAT fancy! 

There are so many really good "babe" creators in the community that I usually don't feel the need (or the confidence) to always try to make "10s", and I'm happy to lean on variety and uniqueness in my characters instead... but maybe... maaaaybe... I can do both sometimes, and this girl will bring my average up a notch or two? Let me know what you think! 

And - of course, as always, for forever and a day - THANK YOU for your support!!



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