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[July 12 update: Please use the Hub resource, as it doesn't have broken depenedencies like this VAR did. Scenes will be released separately as soon as I can put together a VAR for them!] 

A huge thanks to all my long-time patrons for sticking with me, and a special shout-out to the new July supporters, you know who you are! I hope you're here for some green shortstack action, because that's what this month is all about!

Akasha's attached VAR is only a very slightly early access for you guys, to be 100% honest, I wanted to release it tonight but I need to sleep and can't put together a whole Hub resource page. But I DID get the VAR package done, so I'm throwing it to you guys to play with before I get it posted officially tomorrow. 

Contains: 2 scenes - one animated (in the grotto with Kemenate's human man Kay), one static (in the forest); also an appearance preset, and a small pile of genital morphs I made.

I will update the VAR later with a third scene I made, the one with Kay standing (you've probably seen the screenshot, but posted again above), it won't have as complex animation as the Kay kneeling scene included now.

I hope you enjoy! This one was a doozy to work on, obviously more "from scratch" than anything I've made before. Also my first time tweaking rigging, let me know if you see any bent joints causing weird geometry.

I haven't tested on a stock install yet - If you see her feet refusing to touch the floor, please let me know, it means the Collider Editor preset isn't loading and I'll have to include that manually with instructions to load it.




She’s so cute! Great work!