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I'm pondering increasing my lowest tier price from $2 to $3. What do you think?

This isn't a shameless cash grab, at least I don't expect it to be. Since it'll mean fewer supporters, it may even suppress my bottom line. I think that's OK though... capturing the "let's see his Patron-only content for dirt cheap" market was never really my goal.
If you like my work enough to contribute in the first place, then you probably won't be priced out, and if you're determined to to get it as cheaply as possible, well... it's free!

See, ever since I started this Patreon, it felt like $2 was undervaluing myself.
The content is all free, but the effort isn't, and it's paid for with a salary of your appreciation... so, to maximize that, I made supporting this Patreon as cheap as tipping the barista. (Once a month.) 

Is it egoistical to think that joining my little "yay, Syrinxo" club for a month has a value more than $2? Conceited? Entitled, even? I hope not, but I couldn't argue if you say "yes."
Either way, is $3 really all that self-aggrandizing? 

I don't know, honestly. 

So, I'm hoping that you lovely folks - especially supporters who tipped two bucks, or who are currently subbed for $2 a month - could lend me your attitudes.

Thanks for voting! Much, much appreciated. 


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