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You already know: My project planning isn't super solid. My queue seems to be written in sand. But I kinda like it like that.  It means I can say: "Hey guys, what did you like in 2021? What do you want more of in 2022?" and actually change the journey based on feedback.

So, if you've got an itch to scratch... DM me, comment, find me on Discord, message me on the Hub! I can't do everything for everyone, but let's see if our interests align. =)

So, first, I have a few things I've committed to doing for folks; after that, it'll all be the usual mash of "what I wanna, when I can."

In order of priority:

1. Proper release of Lady Kasadya's "boob hug" scene, as seen in my Comic Issue 1. I've received a few requests for this, but hadn't released it before because of paid assets and problematic physics.

2. Releasing Grace the Goblin (Lordy, she needs a better name). Also was in purgatory due to paid morphs.

3. Hannah's Jack-O Pose XXX scene, fleshed out and better animated. RossNutkinChan (VAM's official PR guy) asked for this on Twitter, in front of a whole lot of people, so I guess my hands are tied! xD

Next, projects that I am really looking forward to doing:

- A potential mystery art collaboration!

- Lady Kasadya & Ethan, Issue 3. I have a very exciting plan for this issue, and I'm itching to start putting it together!

- Character look: She-Ra/Adora. Now that I've had a bit of experience interpreting cartoon characters, with Ty Lee and Rayla turning out pretty well, and a little hairdo experience under my belt... I cannot wait to do this dual character (with a little transformation animation between the two, of course!!).

- Jaina & Ephraim XXX scene. This is, what, 2 years on the backburner?? But I really like Jaina, and surprisingly she's still earning the occasional <3 on the Hub, and I know at least a few people said they were looking forward to this scene. 

This will be my next big animated scene, though I'll try REALLY hard to keep the scope down so it's not as exhausting and hugely time-consuming (and broken) as Leia & Micah was - 1 month max. 

- Lillian (or Eve, but she's not that kinda cute) doing the Gwiyomi dance. Because, c'mon, it's cute as fuck, and so are they, and if I'm going to spend a month animating something softcore, this is gonna be it. =D

- Finishing my Girls On the Beach scene. This one doesn't deserve to be abandoned. It's already half animated. It's just... got a lot of girls in it.

- MONSTER GIRLS!!! Reboots and new. I can't wait to get back to my original VAM niche! I'm getting into more and more custom Blender sculpting for morphs, so the time is definitely right for this to happen. 


Not excited by any of these? No problem! Tell me what YOU want to see me do!! Requests really do influence my project queue, commissions definitely do (just think of them as "higher-tier patron requests"), and have resulted in some great ideas and recent projects I'm really happy with and great community response.

Happy holidays, everyone, I hope you all have a great start to the new year! And...




. I'm good with your plans and whatever you create next