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Heyo, the comic is done! The final release will have a few more frills and thrills - I'm hoping I'll be able to put together some animated frames before April 1, plus a bonus bouncy-bouncy clip since they didn't get to actually boinkin' in this issue. (Sorry, spoiler! But still worth reading, I hope!)

But in the meantime, here's a PDF for you guys. It's definitely different from anything else I've done with VAM, and very different than I'd originally envisioned. I do hope you like it! 

And if you think I should keep my nose out of "naked devil Jane Austen" stuff and stick to actual in-VAM content, please let me know that too. I recognize, it's probably not what you signed up for! ;)

Edit: The futa form she takes on page 25 is Robyn by ICannotDie, used with permission. I'll be updating the Credits in the release version.




With the absolutely most respect I can give i would humbly request VAM material. Buuuuut that being said do what makes you happy my friend, i always know where to find you 😉


Thanks for saying, Spidey! My plan at the moment is to do at least a couple VAM releases before distracting myself with a sequel, I hope that satisfies a majority. =)