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First, a huge thank you to everyone who stuck around for another month, as well as to my newest supporters!! You guys are amazing, as I've probably said five different ways already. I'm still humbled that anyone at all contributes without a paywall. You bolster my faith in humanity. 

Anyway, above are a couple WIP shots of what I'm working on right now, 1st "draft" of skin and morphs are done. I was planning to finish my Grace's Grotto scene next (animated scene longer than Leah's), but then Ross NutkinChan announced the next banner contest, Miss International, so first I gotta get out an entry for that! I hope nobody's too sad to wait a bit longer for Grace.

I feel like we definitely need more diversity in VAM content, so even though I live in a painfully gentrified area, I picked Jackie to represent my corner of the world (Boston area). She's got a detailed custom skin (why you haven't heard from me since Leah's release!), I still have a lot left to do but it's at least in shape for a non-closeup showing.

Jackie is reminiscent of a girl I knew at y university. We only had a few conversations, after class stuff, but she still "stuck" to me somehow. I remember she was kind and open and strikingly beautiful, and I regret to this day that I was such an oblivious and aloof idiot (yeah, that probably hasn't changed).

So, this is my tribute to her... or rather, to my nostalgic fantasy of what could have been, ten years ago, with a girl I never really knew, ha! I hope I can capture a fraction of the feeling her smile gave me in real life. Or, failing that, a reasonable realism-style Rule 34 of Princess Tiana. >.> 

Though it's an early preview, LMK what you think, since this is a new area for me. I'm sadly unfamiliar with darker skin, and this feels vaguely "appropriative"... I hope not. 

Anyway, wish me luck on the contest! xD



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