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It wasn't my most brilliant plan to turn this idea into a page and attempt to capture a similar feel to the D.va Pony picture when it comes to details.

I swear by the art gods, that the next pictures will be rougher, sketchier, faster, or however you'd like to describe it!  

Now, the old guard says, "We've heard that like a hundred times!" and you're right, but I never give up on that goal!  XD

You can find all the versions now in the the Dropbox folder.

(If you're not sure how to get your rewards look here)

The pics will stay up until:  30.11.2023 So save them if you want to keep them ;)




I think you did a great job with this. :)


Wow! The metallic rubber texture is outstanding and the whole scene is captivating! Although, I should say it took my a while understanding the little picture was about the red button being pressed by a blue hoof.