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The ladies get drunk on Zoom with Michel Houellebecq and discuss his new article on euthanasia and assisted suicide for Harper's Magazine.

Special thanks to Giulia Melucci, John R. MacArthur, Lysis Li, Eli Keszler and Mathieu Malouf for making it happen!



39:14 "Basically for [Schopenhauer] love is a disguise for the reproductive impulse... if we want to think about it more romantically, then love is an attempt, a human attempt, like the moral law, like god, like little dogs. A human attempt to make the world a better place. And in a way it's one of the best things we invented, all of this worked. But now it's true that god is collapsing, moral law is collapsing, love is collapsing, and pretty much maybe small dogs are the only things still standing. I'm saying this seriously. Man knows he is not good and looks for ways to become better and love is one of them."


houellebecq oddly has a chatgpt-like vibe - his responses have a tone of actuality/justness