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Is here https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/r0uiixbh9nblof5/iolite%20digest%20tim%20lapse.swf?dl=0

Haven't done an anatomy thingy for a while, so I wanted to do something like this since I've been way into digestion lately, and the alligator nommin comic seemed like an interesting thing to detail x3

And I just wanted to code something :U

Some of the times are exaggerated and it wouldn't be the same in an actual hooman, and it might not be 100% accurate since I had to learn some of these things as I went and most sources for this stuff are super vague so I had to put it together from like 20 different articles and junk, BUT it was still fun nonetheless!




Wow that was great and very well done! I looove digestion too, that's so interesting to think about! Like I often wonder what will happen to the clothes when I see a pred eating a prey with all its clothes (did they just digest, or pass unharmed or maybe just being throw up later?). The fun in it is also to think that all those complex processes applied to the food happen while the pred just goes through its daily activities barely thinking about it, yeah that's just fun :3


Contrary to most nom drawings, clothing wouldn't actually digest! Which is why I really like havin the pred cough up the clothes later or something xD And the thing that gets me is that the prey also has all the same processes going on in them, like they have a working digestive system and all that, and a much bigger version of that will be processing them! It's neat~ And I love that very much!