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I'm likin the idea of this new mode, so I'll be switching to it~


If you need to stop being a patron thingy for whatever reason, and then decide to come back later, it will charge once you click to become a patron, instead of waiting till the beginning of the next month! But after that it will charge you at the start of the next month as normal. So please be careful if you do the whole patron thing at the end of the month, 'cause it'll charge again at the start of the next month!

Another change is that if you go from a lower tier to a higher one, it will charge you for the difference right when you switch, and then charge you for the new tier at the start of the next month, as normal. So just another thing to think about if you're thinking of switching to the higher tiers!

And to remind anyone that may be thinking of becoming a patron, the $7 tier will see everything that I post! Now matter how long the comic or how crazy the colored thing~

I think that's it! Just didn't want anyone to have any surprise charges or anything like that once I switch, and to make sure it's not too sudden, I'll be waiting till tomarrow to enable it :D

Anyway, ya'll have a nice day and stuff, thanks for readin!


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