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I diiid say I'd upload patreon doodles for the peeps in the drawing tiers if they were okay with it, so here have a small dump of some of the ones for Flaps-dragon! I'll look through more to see what else I can upload too



Zapor 666

We so missed you!


Gotta say, it's kinda cute that there's a tiny that Iolite won't immediately swallow. Does kinda seem like he gets the lollipop treatment every once in a while if the mouth pic is anything to go by. xP

Jimmy Fallen

YES! THIS IS FANTASTIC! Can't gush enough about everything you draw (especcially bois gettin nommed) and would absolutely love if you were able to post more of the patreon requests for others to see, if it's alright X3


Under the right circumstances, Iolite can make a good caretaker for tinies! They just have to be...very much the right circumstances.

Coty Clogston (Ticklefish. ItsMe)

KEEEEIIII! I promise you that you could upload anything onto here and we'd love to see it. OwO We can't have enough!


max adorable


I'm paid content now!


Oh he definitely gets the lollipop treatment, but I agree! I've been wanting to show her actually interacting with small anthros or people or something, but then noms are too fun wups