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So I've gotten a looot of peeps asking for me to upload the monthly requests and stuffs people get here, and I'm thinkin about it as long as they're cool with it and it's something I'd wanna upload! Probably just putting 'em all in the $1 tier so they're visible to everyone right away

What do ya'll think? Even though I'm not suuuper into putting up things with other people's characters, it would technically be MORE THINGS for everyone else if they don't follow the peeps that would upload 'em themselves



Yes, of course you should do the thing o/


Mmmh...You know, you could do what I do. Have a google form to link people to, so that they can fill it and you get all of the requests in one place each month. Among the questions I ask if I can stream/post their specific request, so they can tell me if they'd rather not have it online.


Actually... while we are at it... Can we nag you about joining a discord and making your own server? ~


Oooh that's actually a pretty good idea! Automate some of it :3 Does it store 'em in only a spot you can see or can anyone see the requests?


Would you upload the old ones too?


I think that’s a good idea! 👀


This poll is looking very decisive. xD


As some people in the comments are also saying: I too would like to have the old monthly requests posted as well. Maybe put them all into Mega and send out the link to make it easier.