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Wanted to tease someone with Felix noms so took the opportunity to also do anatomy stuffs :3

Also sorry for my lack of activity lately! This month's been a lil rough, honestly




Dude, i just love you! You not only finally returned back - you also did it with GREAT comic!


Oh, this is excellent work. All the angles are fantastic, and the arm plunged down into the mess while turning around is great. Re:Zero, right? I'm hesitant to start that series...word on the Slack channel at work is that it can be slightly soul crushing, assuming I'm remembering correctly.. And I was just thinking it had been a while since I'd seen anything from you. Hopefully the rough patch is smoothing out!


Thanks! And yeah from Re:Zero, and hmmmmmmmmm, it's good overall I'd say, but yeah it's pretty soul crushing and super brutal and may be a bit much at times Especially to my favorite girl Rem, SHE DESERVES HAPPYNESS


Such cute, so nom ~w~


Oh my gosh ;w;

Thessle Plusle

I love this so much.... 💕