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Did bun noms for Easter but finished it this morning :U

Using another side character I made a bit ago, Lisatsu, a girlish looking bun boy! He's not really a pred in that he'd hunt for stuffs to eat, but if he's really bored or if you're in the way of something he wants he could nom without much thought :3

Also wanted to say sorreh for being a bit slow, I've been working on a longer comic that I'll be putting here at the beginning of next month! It's sort of same-size though so I dunno how many peeps would be into it, but still wanted to try it 'cause other peeps have been asking for somethin like that




*gasps* Long samesizeish comic from Kei?! *explodes from hype*


Technically the prey is a little bigger than the pred too, and it has a digesty sequence :3


But i am not carrot!