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I like making new characters :U

And I'd been wanting to make a doll character for a while now and was recently reminded of how much I wanted a doll pred, so I DEED IT

Big ol doll that's filled with a fungus colony that was taught to act humanly!

It uses tightly bound strands of the fluff throughout the body to move around, finer connections around the face to make different expressions, and is pretty strong despite how it may look.

Even though the body's lining is very strong, it's also very flexible and soft, so hugging it or laying on it's body would be pretty comfy.

Someone found a big fungus colony (well, big for what it is, they're usually the size of a grape and eat bugs and decaying things), and they kept it and fed it. Once it started growing they put it into bigger toys so it'd feel it had a shell to hide in, and after a while it started to use the toy arms and legs to push itself around, and over a few more years it learned to balance itself enough to stand! Eventually the person started to put it into doll bodies so it could learn to use hands, and he eventually taught himself how to make dolls so that he could make better fitting bodies for it. It grew smart enough that it could interact with him and use it's hands to tell him what it'd want, and over the years he learned and taught Gabi some sign language and made bodies that had fingers so that it could sign more specific things. Near the end of his life Gabi could form simple sentences, so it could help him around the house and do some of the chores that he couldn't anymore. Now that he's gone Gabi is intelligent enough that it misses him, and is sad about it, but continues to keep the house clean and maintain itself, having learned to sew and clean itself from him, and feeding on animals and some plants in the woods around the house.

It may look freaky, but after just 10 years or so of being around him it'd act like a small dog, liking the feeling of safety and curling up on him to sleep or get attention. After it was 30 years old it'd probably act like an infant, following him around or wanting to be held and fed. Now at over 50 years it likes interaction and being told stories, or easy games like checkers or building blocks. It still can't understand very complex things, but it likes to be talked to and will ask things about the story that it can understand, and it'll probably lose at checkers every time, but it still thinks it's fun because it's something it can play with humans. 

BUT now for some nom details!

The brain section makes a mucousy liquid that helps the fluff stick to food, and in this body it also helps to push food things into the stomach part. The teeth are fake but embedded into a metal frame in the head, so they're tough, and the tongue is also synthetic, but captures a lot of the liquid and moves around like a normal tongue, so it's still soft and WET.

The tongue's also pretty long, and the jaw structure can stretch a little with how flexible the cocoon lining and fabric is. And it CAN eat small enough humans if it's "hungry" enough and the person feels threatening or doesn't try to interact with it. Hunger for Gabi means that it feels like it doesn't have enough fluff inside of it that it can use to repair or build new parts, so it'll try to find things to put in there so it can build more fluff. Though if it does eat too much it can be overstuffed and the body would bulge out from the amount of fluff that's in it!

I think that's all for now!



Meddwynn Ravencroft

Seeing her eject the peach pit, I imagine anyone swallowed would eventually have bones & clothing ejected the same way?


Yup! Unneeded things from prey or food would get bunched up with the useless fluff and thrown out that way! So it'd be like a little cotton ball with bone and whatever else was on the prey stuck in it! Or if it was a bigger prey thing, it'd be the bone pieces or clothing with pieces of the fluff sticking to it


Dude, this idea so crazy!)


You're just so inspiring, Kei ;w; You put so much thought in your characters! It makes me want to work hard on mine too. Hopefully next year I'll be able to actually do something to experiment like you do <3


Hnnn thank yoou, that's a pretty big compliment! I just really love details and I'm pretty obsessed with making characters feel like they actually live, or it's at least a little believable that they could exist somewhere. So I think that's a pretty big motivator for me to put lots of details into 'em. And experiment with stuffs! It's fun! Think about things you do and think about the characters doing things like that, like how they would do normal stuff and how whatever is different about them would effect that, and sometimes you'll get ideas for other things from that, and it lets you make smaller details for 'em that could also effect how they would do things in their every day lives!