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Bwuh! Sorry this month's been pretty empty, it's been kind of a bleh month and the WIP things I had planned for this month can't be uploaded here anymore so there was a bit of a gap in uploadable stuff, pfff




I think this is the first time I see Pitou noms, nice. Also HxH deserves to be more popular than it is.


Meow I see...freakin' English dub, stuck in my head.. Lovely work! I don't think I've seen...well, anything from HxH in this vein before. 'Pitou was a good choice!


=w= hee, adorbz....but oh no! Is it due to the whole stricter patreon cracking down on fun stuff thing goin on? Puttin stuff on clouds and/or sendin stuff out in messages seems to work for others...?


Awwww... not possible to upload here anymore? Would it mean you would be sending the pics through messages/e-mails like some other artists on Patreon? Also, This comic is great o/


Still thinking of alternatives for that no more allowed stuff... Maybe the best solution would be to put all those stuff that don't follow their guidelines into a Dropbox or Google Drive folder that you'd share with us. Since Patreon won't allow you to share it on their platform you could put the link somewhere on your FA, like on a journal or profile page or maybe in the « Artist Information » section, if you'd like. Or, if you'd prefer to keep those stuff Pateron exclusive, to share that link via Pateron Messages, if Patreon is okay with that. I think it is the easiest solution because you get to share that link just once and after that you'd just have to update the shared folder with the new stuff that you'd have normally posted here. That way the shared folder will be for all the stuff you don't want to put on FA (WIP and sketches) and can't post here anymore, but it will allow us to still have access to that precious art. Also sorry long comment is long :T


It does work, but I'm just gonna put those things on FA instead and make new things for Patreon!


It could work that way yeah, but I'm just gonna take those WIP and finish them to put on FA instead, and then just make new things for Patreon when I can x3


I don't mind longer comments! And I thought about that, and MIGHT send out drawings with the mass message system if I do something that I do want to show but it couldn't be uploaded here, though shared things like that can be easily shared with non-patrons. I'm thinkin I might just keep the stuff I know couldn't be here as FA uploads, and here I'll put more animal noms and stuff!


this is a year old but oh am i happy to throw money at you