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Bweeh, sorry I haven't been too active lately, honestly I'm just feeling pretty awful and haven't had enough energy to do any bigger stuffs x(

So have Iolite having the energy to do things




Hap, hip, hup.

Coty Clogston (Ticklefish. ItsMe)

If you've been so tired lately, would you be able to hold a poll and ask us to give you a month off? (Save for the request tiers) From what I've seen, the community is here for you, and the community itself is a nice, and understanding one that rivals the Dark Souls community.


I dunno, Iolite, I feel like you might accidentally break one of those thing one day. Sorry to hear you're not feeling well! Hopefully it passes soon


Better be Healing Vision on that DDR machine!




Baaah! But that'd be lame of me to do, even though fans of mine are super awesome, I'd still feel like I wasn't giving enough back if I did something like that It's why I'll probably try and take it a little easier this month and just do some single stuffs, so I've still got some stuff to show while I'm resting mah brain