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Speakin of eye glowing, was talkin to someone about the engine being on and how it'd light up her eyes 'cause the mechanical muscle lights up when energy flows through it. Usually there's skin and stuff to block the light, but it shows in the eyes 'cause there isn't much in the way. So here's her casually lifting something that's probably really heavy, and her engine automatically compensating for it by turning on the necessary muscle.

Also there's a night time version!

In this one there's less outside light, so the light coming from around her eyes goes through blood and thin skin and picks up the red color before flying out and hitting your eyes! 

Also this month I'ma try and get a Brei nom comic and a Kei nom comic up :3



Meddwynn Ravencroft

Does that mean her stomach would glow as well? Anything live she swallowed getting to see the light?


Nope! The light in the stomach muscle would be absorbed by the skin around it, unless they could pick up really really low light, then they might be able to see a tiny bit


Those red glowing eyes are totally no scary at all! 😵 Are glowing eyes involved when she's angry and ready to destroy everything? Like a warning or something? Also a Brei vore comic AND a Kei vore comic coming? Gosh my birthday has come early this year :3


Her engine readies when she's stressed or actually wanting to use her strength, so if she was super angry her eyes would glow, yeah! But if they're glowing then she's probably already destroying something xD Nyeheheee! I wanna try and get those two up during this month, and then probably another Iolite nom comic or little video game creature I wanna draw nomming on something


I'd like to purchase one Iolite night light please!


Free to good home Don't even have to plug 'em in, just give 'em foods!