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What's up everybody, time for an update on Late Checkout . Link to the newest version and some notes on it to follow!

Alright so the game is going to be broken into 5 episodes, similar to how I was doing Hostage Hotel. Those 5 episodes will focus on different areas and be playable by both Ash and Lily with there own game over scenes and plot points. Unlike Hostage Hotel all the episodes will be in one game :)

I will also be using the stories of Ninth Street Bus and a private project I worked on starring Ada Wong as side quests in the game. Ninth Street Bus had a charming story and I wanted to flesh it out a little with this games combat system. I'm just contemplating how best to do that before I fully integrate it!

Finally on to the notes for the most current version of Late Checkout. As of right now the basic combat system is in place. In order to encourage exploration, combat will be reliant on items you find throughout the levels. Finding and using healing items such as Rudy's Rock'n Energy drink will provide the player with cans you can then toss at enemies to do damage. Same goes with finding pieces of candy or candles. If you have no offense items don't worry, you can slap the enemies doing both damage to yourself and the enemy! Taking damage will have effects ranging from clothes being torn to restraints being added. 

Don't want to fight? Fine, self sabotage yourself and enter the restrained state! Here you'll have a second set of skills to choose from that will aid in keep Lily alive. The Self Sabotage option isn't fixed yet so please don't choose it or the game will freeze. However if you decide to ignore me and choose the option at least a scantily clad Lily will appear on screen ;p

Link: https://broseidon-of-the-sea1.itch.io/late-checkout

Pass: LilyLovesScares23



I Think I may have encountered a bug? I am inside the hole to get the Golden Tentacle but I end up stuck inside no matter if I pet the cute little thing or not. I cannot see a way to continue.


So far that's where I'm up to on the public story part. I'll be pushing the story forward soon :)