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I wait in the bedroom standing in the center of the room completely exposed in Inspection position, hands behind my head and my feet shoulder width apart, without a thread of clothing on my body.  That actually wasn’t quite true.  I did have one thread on me.  A single string tied around my neck with one of the loose tesserae from the cool storage that Rosa had made a bead out of adorned my neck.  She made it clear as she tied it onto me that it wasn’t my new collar but simply something to see me by, but to me it was nearly as good.

I made the suggestion about Colly to test my boundaries to see where I was at before trying anything with Cassie.  I hadn’t realized that Rosa was going to not only leap at the suggestion and push for it this very day but also take full control of the proceedings.  Her tying the string around my neck then commanding me to undress and assume one of my trained positions had eased my nerves greatly and aroused my passions like very few other things could.  It was a reminder, a wonderful reminder, that out there in the world I was many things but in this realm of sex and intimacy I was simply HERS.  She owned me in spirit every bit as much as I owned her in law and being her possession made me feel soooo good.

As I stand there in the pleasant glow of obedience, holding my position in strict perfection despite nobody being there to see me, it was dawning on me how involving others could give Rosa entirely new expressions of her dominance and provide me new opportunities to perform and display my submission.  It brought to mind the scant few moments I had gotten to display my submission and how satisfying those times had felt.  I could see in my imagination the eyes of another woman watching me bend myself to Rosa’s erotic will and it arouses me in new ways.  Not long ago I would have felt ashamed to be seen nude, never mind be seen doing anything sexual!  But under my Lady’s protection that shame had turned to pride.  It strikes me more than once that those eyes watching me in my fantasy weren’t the black and amber ones of the slave that Rosa was now fetching but the rich blue eyes of a free woman.

The more I dreamed about it…the harder I became.  Without even a touch or any visual stimulation whatsoever it takes but a few minutes for my manhood to become fully erect.

Eventually the door opens.  Rosa enters and leaves the door open a crack behind her.  Her searching eyes find the dim speck of magical energy affixed to my neck.  She pauses, a look of concentration in her face, then reaches out a hand toward me.  In a wave I feel the cool energy of the bead wash over my body!  As she had done with Lydia’s spell and the Janus bracelet Rosa had seized the power of the bead to shape it to her own purpose.  As the very subtle coolness spreads over my bare flesh I watch as her magenta eyes focus upon me.  Not simply in my direction but actually on me.  She could see me!  The outline of me at least.  Given the meager power involved I must have appeared little more than a shadow within a shadow, but it was enough for her to see my boner.  I knew this from the cute smirk she does when she sees it.

“Very good.”  She says.  “Excellent posture.”

“Thank you my Lady.”

“Mmm.”  She shakes her head.  “Almost, but I’m not quite there.”

“Yes Rosa.”  I say with equal deference.

She lets go of the magic and in a rapid ripple that leaves gooseflesh in its wake the energy rushes back into the bead.  “Hah!”  I gasp at the strange sensation.

“Mmm?”  Rosa cocks a brow.  “That sounded interesting.”

I swallow.  “It was…exhilarating.”

She approaches me, her left hand out in front of her.  When her fingertips touch my stomach she takes one more step and stops there.  Her soft hand runs up and down my tummy and chest as she speaks.

“Colly is cleaning up and preparing.”

“So she agreed?”

“Ha!”  Rosa laughs.  “Yes.  She agreed.  I had to stop her from sprinting right for you.”

I chuckle, though remain careful to hold my perfect position in front of my Mistress.

“She is extremely flattered to be your second woman.  You really made her day Quin.”

“I can imagine.”

“You made her feel special and beautiful Quin.”  She says with beaming pride.  “It was quite touching actually.”

“I’m glad.”

“Sweet boy.  Sweet, horny boy.”  She says.  “I’ve spoken to her.  She understands our needs and our ways.  She knows to be gentle with you and she will let us explore.  You may compliment her or ask her questions if you wish but I will direct your actions.”

“Thank you.”  I whisper.

“She is not a Lady.”  She says.  “And she is not your Lady.  She is your equal.  You show her respect as you would any lover but do not address her as a Sir or Lady.  And you do not obey her unless I tell you to.”

“Yes Rosa.”

“We must be attentive to her needs as well my love.”  She continues.  “Being in her breeding years her every instinct is focused toward this.  You will provide for her what she needs.  At the end you will cum inside of her.  You must save yourself for this.”

“Yes Rosa.”

Her hand pauses so that her slender middle finger can trace the subtle shape of one of my abs.  “Fear not my love.  A human cannot give a child to a kobalos.”

“Thank you.”  I say with relief as I was just beginning to worry about just that.

“Are you willing to spank her again?  Or handle her roughly?  It would give her great pleasure.”

“If you command it.”

“Mmm.  We’ll see.”  She taps my forehead.  “Don’t you hold in secrets Quin.  I want to hear what’s going on in there.”

“Yes Rosa.”

“She is too willful and brattish, and far too smitten with her Master, for true obedience.  But she does understand who the Mistress is here.”  She says in a regal Lady’s tone.  “She will follow my lead but she may become…”  Rosa lets out a lively giggle that is anything but regal.  “…unruly.  Collywaddle is NOT a good girl.  Don’t let that scare you.  It is just her way.”


“I doubt it will come to it, but you may have to physically stop her if she does anything you do not like.  Carefully of course.  On this you do not need my permission.”

“Yes Rosa.”

Closing her eyes Rosa brings her other hand to my body just to feel the warm skin against her palms.  She caresses me and fondles me and runs her hands up my sides, down my legs and along the bottoms of my arms to feel how well I was holding Inspection.  She finishes with a tickle to my balls, low hung due to the heat, and a single feather soft stroke to my rock hard cock.

“Relax.”  I let my body ease out of the position, bringing my hands down to my sides.  “Hug me.”  I do so, happily.  She pulls my head down to come along side hers so that my cheek touched hers and wraps her arms around me.  “Are you ready for this baby?”  She whispers.

“I think so.”

“You want to do this?”

I take a long breath.  “Yes.”

“Give it some time.”  She says.  “But if you find you are feeling bad…”  She rubs a hand down my shoulder until it covers my heart.  “…in here, you let me know.  This should be fun.  You should feel good.  It should lift you up not press you down.”

“I know.”  I say softly.  “Thank you Rosa.”

Holding my head, her eyes still closed, she kisses my temple and smiles.  “I can see you now.  So eager to please yet so vulnerable and beautiful.”  She kisses me again.  “My boy.”

“Oh Rosa.”

“Tell me you love me.”

“I love you!”

“Good boy.”  We rub cheek to cheek.  “Inspection.”

I return to my position.  Rosa continues to hold me in an embrace, her arms around my torso, as she treats me to a few more soft kisses to my chest.  Her lithe clothed body feels incredible against my naked skin.  Then she opens her eyes and lets go to return to the door.  Opening it a little wider she sticks her head out and calls.  “We are ready for you Collywaddle.”

From not so far away I hear an exuberant.  “WAHOO!  Lemme at him!”

Chapter 42 


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