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“Oh gods!”  I exclaim.  “I had no idea she was going to say that.  I-I’m not involved in that kind of thing.”  I look down at my shameless companion.  “Colly!”

The man looks at me, looks at her, then looks at me again and shrugs.  “Let me see what you’ve got.”


His gaze returns to Colly and the weary gray boredom in his expression lifts to reveal a glimmering spark still alive and well inside his soul.  Biting her fat bottom lip the goblin smiles back at him.  “Maybe I could take a piece or two.  I don’t know.”  He clears his throat and smooths back his slick hair.  “My name is Aristocles.  What’s yours?”  He was clearly not addressing me.

“Collywaddle.”  Colly says.  

“Collywaddle.” He nods.  “Pretty.”

“Everyone callth me Colly though.”  She then rolls his name around her tongue.  “Arithtocleethe.  Arithtocleethe.  I like it!  Very noble.”

He chuckles at her lisping pronunciation of his name.  “Good to meet you Colly.”

“You too thir.”  She bows her head.

“And I’m Quin.”  I say to no reaction.  I set the sack I was carrying onto the counter and carefully spill the contents out onto it.  “As you can see, most of this is still in pretty good condition.”

The merchant takes the merest glance at the objects before looking back to Colly again.  “I don’t get many Kobalos in here.”

“Thatth cauthe human art ith ghathtly!  No offenthe.”  She says vehemently.  “All thethe cold dead looking figureth and thtatueth.  It’th thcary!  Gimme a nithe bright pattern any day.”

He looks at the Mercury figurine he’d been working on and turns it left and right.  “They are kind of creepy when you think about it.”  He says.  He stands and wipes his hands on his apron.  He motions to a doorway just to his left.  “Ahem, if you’re serious we can do it in here.  The blowie”

“Yeth thir!”  Colly bounces happily.  “I am theriouth.  I never joke about giving blowjobth.  It’th a matter of perthonal pride.”

“HA!”  He guffaws.  “You are something else Colly.  Come on then.”

“Yeth thir!”

“Uhhhh.”  Feeling very much the odd person out I look around.  “Should I just…um…?”

“Just keep an eye on the shop.”  Aristocles says as he take his locked money box from beneath the counter to carry it with him into the side room.  “Man the counter.  No buying or trading, period, and the price list is beneath the counter if an actual customer comes in.”

“Er, maybe I should lock…”

“I’ve stayed open through storms and earthquakes, I’m not closing for a blowjob.”  He winks at Colly.  “No matter how sloppy.”  She giggles and jiggles around the counter to follow him.  

“I…I could wait outside the door.”

“And have a big goon like you scaring folks off?  No way.”  He says.  “Listen, it’s simple.  If you want me to buy your stuff just stay behind the counter keep an eye on my store.  This shouldn’t take too long.”

“Come on Quin.”  Colly says.  “I want my perthentage.  You thaid I could to the bargaining.  You promithed.”

I sigh.  “Fine.  Just hurry, okay?”

“Yeth thiree!”  She licks her big plump lips.


As the pair disappear through the doorway I walk around to take up the spot Aristocles had just vacated.  I glower down at Mercury and mutter.  “I suppose you’re enjoying this, huh.”

As I glance to my left I see that Aristocles had a big polished mirror set up at an angle where I could see the entirety of the cramped space within the side room and he could look out to keep an eye on his counter.  And with just that glance I get quite an eyeful.  Colly was just slipping out of her tunic to reveal she had nothing on beneath it.  As she bent over to pick her tunic up off of the ground and place it on a bench I catch a full view of her thick and shaggy dark green bush and a slit not of pink but of bright purple.  She stands completely brazen about her total nudity in front of this stranger.  Her mint colored body was all round voluptuous curves.  Her hips were as wide as my shoulders, her ass like two great dimpled heaps of rising dough stuck together, and her heavy hanging tits were so big that even from behind I could see the sides of them peeking around her back.  Despite her extra flesh she still had a nice full-figured hourglass shape, just more exaggerated than any I’d seen before.  Even at less than four foot tall Colly looked to be well over twice the weight of Rosa.

I pull my eyes away as Aristocles pulls off his apron.  There is some hushed words and some giggling by both of them before Colly speaks up.  “Ooo!  Nithe dick!”

Oh great, I could hear them perfectly too.

“You really think so?”  He says.

“Yeah.”  There is a super wet slurp and a smacking of lips.  “Mmm!  By Gobbo thtandardth you’re huge!”  He laughs and I hear a kiss.  “Nithe and thick and juithy.  My favorite kind of penith.”  There is a long snorting sniff.  “Ahhhh!  Yummy.”

“Ha ha ha!”  His mirthful laughter was so at odds with the glum man from just minutes ago.  “You’ve got the cutest nose I’ve ever seen.  And that green skin…so pretty.  You’re so pretty Colly, for a Kobalos I mean.”

“Aw, thank you thir.”

“Your tits are so soft.  So heavy.”

“He he he.  Your handth feel real nithe on them thir.”

“I really do think you’re rather fetching Colly.  Very…very…very…”  He pauses.  “…fetching.”

“Thank you thir!  Motht humanth think I’m ugly.”

“They are fools then.  Okay Colly, go ahead.”  A second later there is more loud slathering and slobbering followed by a long low moan by the shopkeeper.  “Ohhhhhh gods!  Ohhhhhh shit!  Ohhhhhhh Colly!”

Feeling mighty awkward I busy myself with arranging the items I’d brought in into nice neat piles as I try and fail to ignore what was happening in the next room.

“Schhrrp!  Chhlllm!  Shrrlllrrmmm!”  Gods!  The noises!  A nonstop barrage of wet farting, blubbering, burbling, guzzling, glugging, squelching, slavering sounds flow from the open doorway.  “PBBSSSHRRRPPP!!!”


A crash of heavy objects hitting the floor grabs my attention and without meaning to I look to the mirror.  There I see Aristocles up on a stool with his his arms wide as she holds onto the shelving on the walls for support.  His wide eyes are locked onto the bobbing head at his crotch and his expression is one of a man who is having his world shook.  The bottom of his shirt and what pudgy stomach I could see was soaked with spit as saliva sprays in every direction from the goblin’s sodden smacking lips and slapping, lapping tongue drenches everything close by.  Colly only had to lean forward a little bit to provide the oral and the erratic bobbing motion has her whole soft body jiggling.

Aristocles suddenly grabs on tightly to Colly’s bouncing pigtails and thrusts hard and balls deep into the slave’s sucking mouth.  She handles him no problem at all.  Loud sputters and sloppy farting noises accompany the furious face fuck while all the time Colly growls with lustful joy.  “Rrrrmmbllrppp!”

“Fuuuuuck!”  The man’s eyes roll back as he trembles at the edge of orgasm.  At the last second though he pulls her away.  Cupping her chubby cheeks in his smudged fingers he stares down at Collywaddle as if she were the rarest piece of bronze work he’d ever seen.  “I must have you.”


“Well…you’re in luck thir.”  She beams up at him.  “I’m for thale.  Half prithe!”

“No.  It can’t be.”

“It’th true.”

“It’s true.”  I confirm.

He looks up and makes eye contact with me through the mirror.  Though he didn’t seem the least bit bothered I blush and turn away in embarrassment at the sudden connection.  “Tell her master that I want her!  Tell her master she has a buyer.”

“Uh, yeah, sure.”

“Ohhhh!”  Colly squeals with delight.  “Thank you thir!  Thank you!”

“I must have you.”  He huffs again and the sound of shuffling bodies and a rattling wooden stool follows.  

“Yeth!”  A moment later there comes a long lilting mewl from Colly.  “Ohhhhh thirrrrr.”

“Ohhhh fuck!”  He groans along with her.  “This end is as hot and as wet as the other!  Oh gods, and so fuckin tight!”


I don’t know why, simple carnal curiosity perhaps, but I take one more look toward the mirror through the corner of my eye.  Aristocles had Colly up on the stool at a perfect height for him to fuck her, which he very much was.  She is now facing him, her stumpy green legs wrapped around his hips, and great tits bouncing wildly as rammed into her with sharp, swift thrusts.  He had one arm around her back and the other supporting her head as he looked down into her face.

“You’re so beautiful.”  He says warmly between grunts and splashing thrusts.  “I’ve never seen one so…so…fuckable!”

“Ohhhh thir!  You thay the thweetetht thingth.”  She moans, her wide cheeks darkened in a verdant blush and her amber eyes smoldering with rising passion.  “I’ll be your fuck thlave every thingle day!  My wet little puthy ith yourth!”

“Ohhh!  Ohhhh!  Ohhhh gods you feel so good!”

“Ohhh thir!  Ohhhh thirrrr!  I’m cumminnnnng!”  Her legs tighten around him and her chubby body jiggles from head to toe.  “MATHTERRRR!!!”

I do a double take as literal geyser of squirting pussy juice erupts around the merchant’s thrusting hips and splashes down his legs and over the floor at his feet.

“By Eros!”  He cries out.  “Don’t clench so hard!  GNNNNGHHHH!”  His nut hits him without warning and the next thing I knew I had a duet of orgasmic voices ringing my ears.  “OHHHHHHH!!!”

I hold up my hand at the side of my face to block my view and give them some semblance of privacy as the pair cum loudly and…soggily together.

There is some smooching, some smitten giggling, and the soft whispers of lovers.

“Look at this mess.”  Aristocles chuckles.

“I jutht get tho darned exthited and then…THQUIRT!  Puthy thunami.”

“You almost tore my damn dick off when you came.”

“Thorry thir.  You’re jutht tho big!”

“Don’t apologize.”  He kisses her.  “I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”

“It’ll get eathier…with practithe.”  She coos.

He laughs.  “Lots and lots of practice.”

“Oh thir.  You make me tho happy.”

There is some more lovey talk and some rustling then the pair of them come out of the room together, hand in hand with faces flushed.  Aristocles shirt and pants were soaked but he seemed not to even notice.  Needless to say the bartering for the items goes off without a hitch.  I tell Aristocles of Lydia and where to find her and he thanks me.  There is then some friendly small talk between us, though their eyes never stray from the other, and before long we say our goodbyes.  Or they do at least.

“Goodbye Colly.”

“Goodbye thir.”

“I’ll…I’ll be around soon.  I promise.”

“Yeth thir.”  She bats her big amber eyes.  “I’ll be waiting for you.”



Venus truly can work miracles as before my very eyes the chunky little goblin with a lisp and the pot-bellied balding man become the most adorable pair of people I had ever seen.  Is this what Rosa and I looked like?  Love.  It was just…beautiful beyond words.

“I hope he meanth it.”  She says when the door closes behind us.  “I hope he buyth me.”

I shake my head and laugh.  “Colly, I think he’d trade his last bronze to get you.”

She sighs, absolutely glowing with joy and post-coital satisfaction.  She hugs my leg.  “Thankth to you Quin.”

“Aw geez.”  I pat her wide head and look around at the curious eyes that were drawn our way.  “I didn’t do anything, really.”

“Would you like a thuper thloppy…?”

“No!  Nope, I’m good thank you.”

“Okay.”  She steps back and lets out a huff.  “I had a good feeling about you and Rotha.  It’th a good day, ithn’t it thir?”

“Yes.  And a profitable one!”  I rattle my purse.  “Let’s get some lunch and I’ll give you your cut.”

“A very, VERY good day!  Wahoo!”

Chapter 19 



This chapter is so stupid yet I was smiling the whole time. Thank you all for voting for this. 😄 I think the right choice was made.


Hah, you gave the shopkeep Plato's real name? Can he be canonically jacked and broadshouldered too? Also for double funfact effect, in ancient Greek excessively virtuous sounding names were a sign of wealth, status, being of the elite etc. Plato's family was of course notably rich and powerful, and Aristocles itself roughly translates to "The Greatest Glory" I haven't read the chapter yet, but I'd like to believe that Colly winning him over will now lead her to a lavish lifestyle and raised eyebrows from his blue blood parents.


Ha! I didn't actually know that was Plato's real name. Cool stuff. Learn something new everyday. I do like the idea of the blue blood parents, perhaps Aristocles isn't the owner but just looks after the shop for his wealthy folks.