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Long time, no see. my friend

I would like to apologize to those who have waited for a long time.

I couldn't pay attention to the cartoon work because I was working in the factory all summer.

I quit my job after Thanksgiving and start working on comics again.

I'm sorry to those who've been waiting for it once again.



Shizumi Hanako

I will always keep my support to you on Fanbox. Hope you could take some rest also🥰


That's rough how taxing your job has been. But glad to see your still able to work in this comics


Welcome back! Don't worry about the wait, I'm glad you're doing okay. By the way this chapter was amazing, I can't wait to see how Jamber transfers himself to Fluffy's body. 😊


Good to finally see you back! I missed this wonderful series, hope to see more soon, but take your time my friend


The best comic is parasite with you my friend also i love the first slime on the train too but my favorite is parasite with you pls do a continuation


Any chance that we'll get the next episode this week?