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I'm really sorry for those who are waiting. The working speed is not as fast as I thought.😥 I'm thinking of a small event for those who have supported me for a long time. 1st Anniversary Event but ​have a long way to go~ Please look forward to it. And The commission will be suspended for a while in August. Maybe it's until Jamber escapes from Belly Island. When this commission is complete, I will publish Plan_E every Friday without a break.. I made a careful decision for those who are waiting for Plan_E. I'm sorry to those who were waiting for the commission.




This preview looks amazing, great job, and don't worry about it, I'll always eagerly wait for your work. I'm also excited for this anniversary event, I wonder what it could be. 🤔


Maybe the event will be held in November.😊 Small Plan_E goods~


Sounds neat, great idea to commemorate one year of Plan_E. 😄


Interesting, we'll wait patiently for your amazing work as usual Paradog. Don't worry about schedule, we know how art takes time, and yours make each second of wait worth it