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I finished "Jamber, masturbating with the body of the clam."

I had some difficulties because I never drew a woman's masturbation.

Please understand if it's a bit awkward.

I will upload the English version tomorrow.

I'll review the sexy concept comments today and design a character by next week.

thank you~




It looks amazing! 😍 I love the way he's exploring his new body and how curious he is, slowly learning the pleasures of the female body. That orgasm buildup was incredible, excellent work!


Thank you. I wanted to express the process of Jamber being homogenized by sharing his pleasures with her.


Nice! I love the transition of Jamber homogenizing with her body


Thank you, Shifter. Please look forward to Jamber's journey to recover the spaceship from the next episode.


Very hot scene! Thank you, Paradog. 😍 Will Jamber make her look normal again? This homogenized appearance of the woman is very conspicuous.😅 I love it when the possessed creature impersonates the woman and deceives other people.


Of course. hahaha You don't have to worry. I will upload the English version soon, Jamber increases his erosion rate by masturbating. I wanted to express that he was completely homogenized to her body. If Jamber charges into the enemy camp in that state, he will be beaten again.