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  • Melony.mp4



I'M ON A POKEMON ROLL! next one isn't pokemon though so never mind. I used this one to test animation stuff so if it looks different or odd is normal, but maybe you don’t notice a change it’s also good This is actually a "remake" from one of my first animations (in fanbox at least) you can cringe with me in the original animation to compare: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/78252509 Also, i'm trying new options when it comes to publishing stuff, i feel like i have already try this but i'm, once again (if i did), trying to NOT announce anything, i have heard, and i can tell myself, that announcing goals basically makes it less likely to finish them, in this case, drawings and animations, so if you stop seeing WIPs or i'm silent here for longer than usual, is because i'm working on hopefully cool stuff. Basically forgive me but forget about the manga schedule and promises on drawings i have done except for commissions of course. I'll only release finished content or at least try my hardest to do so, whether this content is a manga, illustration, animations, etc (Of course hentai adaptations have a deadline so those will always be announced and released)




Such a soft and voluptuous milf. Loving it!


I get what you mean. I’m the type to say “Oh I can do this and then I’ll do thiss and then that” but usually never follow up on it all the way. My ADHD go brr. 😂


i want more feet stuff :c