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今月もご支援頂きありがとうございます! 本日のイラストはしんどう先生の「犯され催眠」に登場するキャラです! 「犯され催眠3」の予告が開始致しましたので是非お気に入り登録宜しくオナシャス! 【FANZA】https://www.dmm.co.jp/dc/doujin/-/detail/=/cid=d_281005/ 【DLsite】https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/announce/=/product_id/RJ01075280.html 来週15日(土)には「ヴィーガンエルフ」が配信開始いたしますので こちらも是非よろしくお願いします…! 【FANZA】https://www.dmm.co.jp/dc/doujin/-/detail/=/cid=d_274784/ 【DLsite】https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/announce/=/product_id/RJ01062399.html 【irodori】https://bit.ly/3EyiAqi また雪乃さんの抱き枕カバーと大人ジャック・ザ・リッパーの予約受付開始いたしましたのでそちらもオナシャス! 【雪乃深冬】https://booth.pm/ja/items/4899839 【大人ジャック・ザ・リッパー】https://booth.pm/ja/items/3359347 宣伝だらけになったけど多少はね…? 最近よく思うのですが絵描きが活動しずらい環境になってきてるなと。 表現の規制や言葉狩り、AIやら無断転載、twitterのシャドウバンだったりインボイスなどもそうですが、今後もさらに活動しずらい状況になっていくのかと思うととても憂鬱です。更にぷぅ崎に至っては雪乃さんを無断で勝手にフィギュア化しAmazonで販売している中国企業が2社ほど(販売ページは削除済)、雪乃さん抱き枕カバーをまだ発売もしていないのに海賊版の販売ページがあったりとなど(中国のサイト)、その対応のせいで作品の創作活動に影響を受けている状況です。 いっぱい絵の練習をして普通に楽しく作品作って皆さんに読んで頂き、感想を貰ってまた次に頑張る!それだけなんですけどなんでこうなるんすかね…最近愚痴が多くなってしまって申し訳ないゾ… 本当絵だけ描いていたいゾ~ ------------------------------- Thank you for your support this month! Today's illustration is a character from Shindo's work! The notice has been started, so please register it as a favorite! 【FANZA】https://www.dmm.co.jp/dc/doujin/-/detail/=/cid=d_281005/ 【DLsite】https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/announce/=/product_id/RJ01075280.html Next week on the 15th, we will start distributing "Vegan Elf". We look forward to seeing you there as well...! 【FANZA】https://www.dmm.co.jp/dc/doujin/-/detail/=/cid=d_274784/ 【DLsite】https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/announce/=/product_id/RJ01062399.html 【irodori】https://bit.ly/3EyiAqi We have also started accepting reservations for Yukino-san's pillowcase and adult Jack the Ripper! 【雪乃深冬】https://booth.pm/ja/items/4899839 【大人ジャック・ザ・リッパー】https://booth.pm/ja/items/3359347 Recently, I often think that the environment is becoming more and more difficult for painters to be active. I feel depressed when I think that it will become even more difficult to work in the future, as is the case with restrictions on expression, word hunting, AI, unauthorized reproduction, twitter shadowbanning, invoice, and so on. In addition, Puusaki has been affected by two Chinese companies that have made figures of Yukino-san without permission and sold them on Amazon (the sales page has already been deleted), and a pirate version of a Yukino-san pillowcase has been sold on a Chinese website, even though it has not yet gone on sale. I am having a lot of fun practicing my artwork. I am now in a situation where I have to practice drawing a lot, enjoy creating works, have people read them, get feedback, and work hard for the next one! That's all I want to do, but I don't know why I'm like this... I'm sorry for complaining so much lately... I really wish I could just draw pictures...




In order to convey my thoughts, I need to speak in English. Sorry in advance. I think that it is only natural for a person to be worried about their livelihood, especially when there are things that happen that hurt it. It would be nice if a world existed where such things didn't happen. Where artists could simply do what they love doing and not have to worry about how much they are making from it. Unfortunately, this is not the current state of things. You are doing the best you can. Please keep your head held high. We, the lovers of your work, will continue to support you as best we can.

ex partner

I love your work so much!! I know it’s a difficult time right now for artists, but we’re here for you and hope we can support you for a long time. Thank you for everything!


この3人に搾り取られたい… そして色々とお疲れ様です… 本当に最近生きづらい世の中になりましたよね… せめて此処ぐらいでは愚痴を吐き出して下さい




有名税かかりまくりですねぇ。やっぱり生きてる限り苦しみから逃れられないの涙が出、出ますよ… いつでも応援してる人がいるってことだけは忘れないで欲しいゾ。


Hi there, unfortunately I can't speak Japanese at all, so I have to write this in english to convey my thoughts. You make some of the best art I have ever seen on the internet, so thank you so much! Due to the laws of my country, Australia, I am not allowed to purchase any of your books and content, so it was such a relief that I found out that you had a fanbox account so I could support you here. And I am so glad I continue to do so. This art here is amazing! As a person who complains a fair bit about other things, you have every right to do so yourself. But please don't lose hope or give in to despair. You are a great artist and as long as you put out great art like you have today, us loyal supporters will continue to be here. You're not alone. I wish you all of the best! And thank you for everything!


この3人が私服姿で犯してくれるとは…シスターさんに続き、他の2人も主人公の私生活に突入するのか…!楽しみ過ぎてたまらないです! twitterのシャドウバンや凍結、AIなど問題ばかりて不安定ですね…文明は進歩せず、むしろ後退したのか…。 これからも先生を応援します!


益々のご活躍!応援のし甲斐もあります!! さて、懸案のSNSに関してはメタ発の「Threads(スレッズ)」が注目されていますが、規制NがTwitter以上に厳しい(らしい)うえにユーザー数もTwitterのが圧倒的なので、しばらくは様子見ってところじゃないでしょうか…。 グッズ系に関しては自前のショップ以外は全て偽物と断じる事でしか、正規ルートの確保は難しいかもですね。 「管理・運営・流通の各方面で課題山積になりますが) AI生成に関してはひとまず法整備を待つしかないんですが、大陸の連中はお構いなしなのがもどかしい…!


Thank you for your comments! I'm sure there will be many more hardships ahead of me. I hope to create many works that you will find interesting Thank you for your support and I will continue to do my best!


Thank you for your comments! It's a tough time, but we're trying to do our best! Thank you very much!


先日お茶送ってくれた方ゾ?(名前が一緒だったので) まだまだ愚痴りたい事がいっぱいあるけど 我慢しすぎてイキそうになるゾ(憤ぬっ) お気遣い頂き本当にありがとうございます…!


有名税だけでも3億円以上の被害は出てるゾ… >いつでも応援してる人がいる 本当コメント頂けるとそれが実感できるので嬉しいです! 頑張って作品作るゾ!


I can understand the content with a translator, so it's fine! Thank you for coming all the way from Australia to support us! It is really encouraging to receive comments from so many people! I will try my best not to be too downhearted so that you can see more of my illustrations and my work in the future! I will do my best until I succeed!


本編にあまり関係ない衣装かもゾ…(震え声) 10年位前がちょうど居心地よかったかもですね… ありがとうございます頑張りナス!


こちらこそいつも応援ありがとうございます! みなさん第二のtwitter探してる感じですよね、どこか上位互換のサイトが現れればいいのですがどこもエロ絵描きには厳しそうですよね…(絶望) 雪乃さんも人気があるのは有難いのですので正規ルート出せたら良いのですが中国はちょっと難しそうですしね…(遠目) AI生成に関しても日本の政治家は肯定派なので今現在名が売れてる人だけが残り今後の新規の作家様達は厳しそうですよね、どうにかなれば良いのですが…政治家は自分達に関りがあるオリンピックの時だけチケットの規制が早かったのが良い例ですよ(呆れ)