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I've shown some of these before, but I'll go over the basic idea of each for the benefit of newer supporters.

This whole thing could probably use another lighting pass, since it's kinda dark.

Working title for this one is 'Knight vs. Mai.' It's the least complete of my current projects, and will probably be finished last. I kinda want to experiment with a little fight scene, but I might do that with another animation. The basic idea is to have Mr. Dark Souls Knight kill Mai from DoA by means of severing both her arms, and then taking her head off. What happens to her beyond that is still up in the air, but it'll definitely be humiliating.

This one is a commission, 2D as you can see. These are the keyframes, about half of them anyway. You can probably get the gist of the idea by this point, but essentially the girl gets decapitated while giving some sort of presentation, at which point her body freaks out and the other students laugh/make fun of her. Classy :D


Working title for this one is 'In Kitchen' (very creative, I know). As you can tell, it's about half done, and is basically just a 3D rendition of some of my older 2D stuff. After the cutoff here, the tentacle thing will remove the woman's head as well, and they'll both do the old headless chicken song and dance for a bit.

I've got some vague plans for a futa animation, but nothing concrete yet. Gotta get through my current projects first.

Speaking of, here's 2D work I've been doing. It's not quite the usual fare, but I figured you guys might find it interesting:

Starting with this concept art for a cherubim girl. Not biblicly accurate of course, more an amalgamation of Putto-inspired cherubs and some old testament style ophanim imagery.

Then I decided to try my hand at converting a 2D concept image into a 3D, animation-ready character.

The eye wings are a bit performance-heavy, but I'll probably use it in an upcoming animation regardless.

That's about all for this month. I had some real-life stuff slowing me down for a while there, and things just generally don't go very fast in the animation world, but you guys are keeping me afloat through all of it. Seriously, can't thank you enough :)

Let me know what think/if you have any ideas. I'm always open to suggestions and inspiration. Cheers.




I also like mai very much. I think it will be good to enrich the fighting action or killing action in the animation~


Me just wait to see more girl get killed and fucked :D


what about leifang beheading?