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Hey everyone! Let me present to you the Inn, the second map for the Taverns & Inns theme.

Along the road between some villages and towns is an inn that is simply known as "The Inn" by locals. It is a hearty place where adventurers and travellers can rest. The west buildings has a common room where they serve fine ale and cheap wine. Upstairs are more secluded tables for those that prefer a little more privacy. There's even a closed off room with dramatic lighting to make your rogue feel at home.

In the courtyard is a well that can be used to fetch a refreshing bucket of water. However, the owner will inform you that he believes there's an entrance to an old dungeon at the bottom of the well. There's something fishy about it and he is willing to offer a free room for anyone who checks it out.

The east building has some comfortable rooms. The lower floor has luxury rooms while the upper floor has simpler rooms. 

Finally there is the stable, where heroes can rest their weary horses or themselves if they can't afford a room.

Released under CC BY-NC 4.0 license.



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