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Hey everyone! Let me present to you the Dossorlan Marshes, a free map from the Daniel's Maps backlog.

In the center of Daradal lies are the extensive Dossorlan Marshes, surrounded by the Dossor Hills. This wetland in home to cultists of Morlorrim and ancient ruins. Few people have business here, but bridges and trails are prove that the region is not entirely deserted.

Most people regard the Dossorlan Marshes as an empty wasteland of wild animals and monsters. It used to be a well populated region in long forgotten days. Now it is a swamp with only crumbled ruins that remind visitors of glorious days that have long since passed.

Between the untouched wilderness are makeshift wooden bridges and passages to be found. Clearly there are people living here, though most people have not the knowledge, nor the desire to figure out who.

The paths and trails in the marshland and used by cultists of Morlorrim. They occupied abandoned ruins and turned them into places of worship to their God. In these hideouts they perform rituals and offer sacrifices, hoping the weaken the influence of Annaaru, the Goddess of Light.

Released under CC BY-NC 4.0 license.



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