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Hey everyone, it's Karkinos! 

I want to address a mistake I recently made due to my oversight of Patreon's policies. It has come to my attention that I unintentionally violated Patreon's guidelines by posting NSFW content publicly. I sincerely apologize for this oversight and any discomfort it may have caused.

To rectify this situation and ensure compliance with Patreon's policies, I will be making all of my previous free posts exclusive to my patrons. This means that I will need to restrict access to these posts in order to align with the platform's rules.

Now, here's the thing: since a majority of the posts were not flagged as of today, I'm giving you all a 2-day heads-up. This gives you a window to save any pictures or content that you'd like to keep for yourself.

Again, I truly apologize for my mistake and any inconvenience it might cause. Your support means the world to me, and I want to continue providing you all with content that you enjoy while also respecting the platform's policies.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support! 🙏❤️



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