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Guys, I present you the fifth sneak peek of version 0.3b, I've already finished rendering the minigame and I just need to program it, after that I'll start programming and working on the script of Fred's birthday event and the ending of the main path.

After finishing the main path I will only need to adjust Jessica's path, test and update the gallery.

The update will be released for the NTR lovers as soon as I finish the update so these days I will upload the last sneak peek with the release date, thank you so much!



Eternal Child

Hello Shaman. Happy New Year. I hope you had a great celebration and not stressing about finishing the dead line for this amazing game btw. I have so much to discuss about and I think Discord would be more appropriate place to do that so I will appear there one of these days lol. Anyway, great game, I love everything about it so when you mentioned the ending of the main part it made me a little sad. Keep up the great work.


Everyone is excited, hurry up


With "ending of the main path" I meant ending of the update hehe