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Communication is hard.

As you might be able to tell from the thumbnails, there's a lot of moving around I did on this page. When I do thumbnails I often don't have the backgrounds done yet, so I make a best guess at scene blocking -- figuring out where the characters are in the scene and how they "act." This almost always changes between thumbs and the final page, but this scene in particular had a lot of blocking tweaks.

The main culprit is that when I did the thumbnails, I intended to draw the entire kitchen for the background, which gives more room for the characters to move around and do things like tend to dishes, etc. However, as I was doing the background, I asked myself the very important question of if I really NEED to draw another half of the kitchen. The answer was no.

So for example, instead of a comedic camera pan where Walter was to the left of them the whole time, which wouldn't have made sense due to previous scene acting/blocking anyway, I had him entering in from the other room. A quick slap together of some foreground walls over a previously made background made that a pretty easy thing to make without having to make a whole other background for one single frame.

Also, to explain before I get questions:

What Walter is saying: we talk a lot about Oakewood considering he's never actually around.
What Belfry hears: Oakewood's here???




Thank you for the explanation, I was highly confused.


Tamberlane is kind of fixated on Oakwood. So naturally her mind edits everything to center on him.


If Tamberlane ever heard Tess, Walter or anyone talking bad things about Oakwood like those two are right now, she would get very upset. Right?