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Just sharing fun sketches to help weather some physical and mental woes.
Lots to do as the tax deadline approaches and only a month and change separates us from summertime -- usually my absolute busiest time of the year.

There's A LOT to look forward to around here and online, actually!
I have some serious plans brewing, projects cresting the hill, and other long-desired goals I wanna hit.  

But it'll have to come alongside getting my funds in some kind of order, going back into part-time-work to fundraise, and generally working through persistent pains.  Overdues and delayed works are getting chipped away, so your patience WILL be rewarded!

All said, I appreciate the turnout on streams and every fave and comment here, or elsewhere online.  Thanks everybody!




Understood, do what you gotta do and appreciate the doodles and update


Thank you for everything you do! It always brightens my day to see your art!