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Hi all,

Today we have another port from my CSCA collection from VX Ace: Fishing! This was initially part of the vehicle system script from Ace, which I had split into smaller plugins for each area of functionality. This means to add fishing to your game, you don't need to worry about vehicle battle config or vehicle interior config if you don't want as those are separate plugins.

Anyways, this plugin adds a fishing system for each vehicle (boat, ship, and airship). Each vehicle can catch different fish, and you can also have different fish per map or per region. You can make some fish common while others are rare.

This plugin integrates with CGMZ Professions to automatically add experience to a "fishing" profession you may have set up when a fish is caught. It also allows you to have a level requirement to catch certain fish. This plugin also integrates with CGMZ Toast Manager for toast windows when fish are caught or not caught. You can also configure the plugin to use the normal game message window (what you see when you use the Show Text event command) to tell the player what they caught.

While this plugin should be enough to get your fishing system started, I do plan to add the following before Beta stage:
1) Fishing outside vehicles
2) Fishing sound effects per vehicle/fish

As always, if you have any other features you think would fit well in this plugin, leave them below in the comments or suggest them in my discord!

Update 2/26/2022: You should now no longer be able to fish outside of a vehicle. This will be added back in later once fishing outside vehicles is added, but for now it doesn't make much sense to allow it.

Alpha Update March 23, 2023: Hi all, this plugin has been updated today to add some more ways fish can be differentiated. Now fish can require either shallow (boat passable) or deep (ship passable) water to be caught. You can also require certain weather to be active, such as rain, to catch certain fish. I also added a plugin command to force start the player fishing.

Alpha R2: Hi all, this plugin has been updated to version Alpha R2! This update adds global sound effects for casting, catching, and missing (no catch) a fish. This is an array of sound effects you can set up with as many possible sound effects as you want, from which the plugin will randomly pick one each time it is appropriate to play the sound effect.

This update also added the option to let your fishing profession level affect the fish catch weight. With this, you can now cause rarer fish to become more common as the player levels up their fishing profession, if you are using [CGMZ] Professions.


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