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The chapter 1 update is now out to our supporters! Check the pinned post to find out how to get it! I'm exhausted! Argh! Argh! Read about it on the blog!



Hm, had another very weird bug. I was just reading one of the Signs in the Forrest. I touched the Sign from the left side, and Meis Sprite went into what looked like a kneeling pose... and froze like that. I could still move and everything, but the Sprite stayed in that frozen pose until i quit the Game.


Did some more testing on this. The bug is fully reproducible, happens everytime i try to read that sign, from every angle. The specific sign is the one next to the Trannadar Trading Post Warp Point. And it seems to affect only this specific Sign. Any others i tried so far worked without problem. And so far i have found no way short of quitting and reloading to get it working again.


So, i'm not sure if it's a bug or not, but i started a proper New Game, recruited Florentina, and apparently she came with 2000 Free Job XP. Could just immidiately buy all her skills.