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Hello friends! Today I worked on more fun patron requests! I made:

  • Blue Dragon Playing D&D - this was a lot of fun to put together! I made sure that the dragon was its own model so you can have it as just a sitting blue dragon if you needed just that, but his accessories include a little D20, a tiny mini of his dragonborn character, a stack of D&D books and his character sheet. I'll be impressed if someone actually paints a little character sheet on this model haha. Full files are in Monster Manual - D - Dragons - Chromatic Dragons - Blue Dragon.

  • Ape Riding Ape Enjoying Life - Ahhh meme minis. I swear if this is what I'm remembered for I'll be ok with that lol. So this is a rather silly meme that's gone around the web a while back. Pretty amusing to make on my end though rigging up an ape might be useful in the future haha. Full files are in Misc Patron Requests - A - Ape Riding Ape Enjoying Life.

Tomorrow I'm gonna cut loose and just make whatever inspires me. See you then!



Eric Cottle

I appreciate the Dnd stuff and the dragon is separate so we can make other monsters playing dnd if we want

Aaron Bono

I don't know, there's something wrong (adult content) about those apes.


nah one is clearly on the back of the other. If you want you can look at the mini itself and see there is no actual adult stuff happening. However I'll remove the image so you don't have to see it.