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Artificial Incident Comic Page has been posted! Now it's time to relax and unwin- nope. Not today- Enjoy!



Strongest of Talithar - 18

She's had this question answered once before, but this time she's given a lot more context.



I feel like I need to make this obvious, because sometimes I'm a little dense and don't telegraph such things well (and text is a bad medium for such). My comments on the comic are more curious and intrigued than accusatory. I never mean to imply that "something needs changing"—I am thoroughly enjoying both your projects and wouldn't be giving you money if I weren't. Thank you for some great stuff, and an even bigger thank you for making them public and free.


You don't need to worry about a thing. I'm fully aware most of the time people aren't telling me how to write my stories... Some certainly are but they mostly send me emails about how they will also let me use their own original character that can swoop in and save the day. Kill all the bad guys and then turn Kaylin straight and she can have their children. You certainly aren't one of those people so don't worry about it at all! XD